10月8日 モナッシュ大学 公開講演のお知らせ

*Public Lecture: Thursday, 8 October 2015, 6:30-7:30pm
MADA Monash, University Art, Design & Architecture
Caulfield Campus, Building G, Room G1.04 ​

Prof Ryoji Suzuki, Waseda University*

早稲田大学 鈴木了二 教授

*Experience in Material*

Ryoji Suzuki is Professor Emeritus from Waseda University, where he taught 1997-2015. He is a respected educator and a regular contributor to the multimedia production of architecture. He has been practicing since 1970 with major building projects including Osaka Folly 4 (1990), Sagishima Project (1995), Project Konpira (2004) and BRIDGE (2014). He has received several architectural awards including the 49th Architectural Institute of Japan Award and 18th Togo Murano Award. In 2013, DUBHOUSE was awarded at the 42nd Rotterdam International Film Festival. In addition to films, he has produced a number of publications including Experience in Material 49: Ryoji Suzuki Complete Works 1973-2007 (Inax 2007) and Material Suspense – Architectural Cinema (LIXIL 2013). Exhibition work ranges from “Clairière, Creux, Vide” (GALLERY MA, Tokyo 1994) to the recent “MUZEUM” (21st Century Museum, Kanazawa 2014-5). Consistent themes weave through his work, which is unified under the continued ambitions of “Experience in Material.”