日本語弁論大会上位入賞者のインターンシップレポート – Cynthia Leung

日本語弁論大会上位入賞者のインターンシップレポート – Cynthia Leung


After participating in the Japanese Language Speech Contest Victoria in 2019, I was fortunate to be nominated through the JCCIM Internship Opportunities Program as a candidate for an internship at Toyota Tsusho Australiasia (TTALA). At this time, I was finishing my second year of university, studying Secondary Education, Linguistics and Japanese. After contacting their HR and undergoing an interview, I began a nineweek internship in late November 2019 until early February 2020. During my time at TTALA, I spent most of the time with the Finance, Management and Sales teams.

At first, I had slight reservations about the internship because it was unrelated to my current area of study (education). However, I decided to make the most of this opportunity and aimed to develop practical and research skills as well as immersing myself in a Japanese-Australian workplace. I engaged myself in a wide range of tasks including: translating product reports; drafting multiple policies; drafting a process for continuous improvement amongst many other tasks. This gave me the opportunity to develop practical skills (excel skills; research skills; drafting business-related documents). I ended up learning a lot about TTALA’s trading, logistics and overall business operations. The TTALA staff were very welcoming and friendly, giving positive and constructive feedback on they gave to me. Thank you to everyone who helped me during my internship!

Looking back a few months later, I feel as though I benefited greatly from this opportunity on a personal level. During my time at TTALA, I developed a thorough understanding of the work culture, professionalism, a stronger work ethic, and most importantly I’ve met many amazing people. The skills I’ve gained from this experience continue to benefit me now as I attend school placements and will mostly likely be useful after graduation. I can’t thank JCCIM and TTALA enough for this invaluable and irreplaceable experience.

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